The Music of Cat Stevens: Teaser and the Firecat (1971)

"Teaser and the Firecat," Cat Stevens, 1971 "Teaser and the Firecat" was, as far as I can tell, Cat Stevens' best-selling album. It produced three songs that charted and, to this day, are seen as three of Stevens' best: The

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Twee Books: The Pillow Book by Sei Shōnagon

"The Pillow Book" by Sei Shōnagon. I realize that by including Sei Shōnagon's "The Pillow Book," I am expanding the definition of twee and pushing it back by about a thousand years (the book was published in 1002). But I

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Twee Fashion: Corduroy Suits

Even foxes like corduroy. It was probably inevitable that corduroy would be adopted by the twee. There's something simultaneously dressy and dressed down about it. It's a fabric associated with both college professors and English gentleman farmers. It's nostalgic, but

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Twee Comics: Hark! A vagrant

Hark! A Vagrant: You see me rollin up pops you step aside. Had Kate Beaton not started to write and illustrate comics, she might have wound up twee anyway. She's Canadian, studied art history and anthropology, and worked in Victoria's

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The Music of Cat Stevens: Tea for the Tillerman (1970)

"Tea for the Tillerman," Cat Stevens, 1970. "Tea for the Tillerman" is likely Cat Stevens' signature album. It contains a number of songs that were used on the "Harold and Maude" soundtrack (as did his previous album), but also "But

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The Films of Wes Anderson: The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)

Luke Wilson and Gwyneth Paltrow in "The Royal Tenenbaums" We may never see a film version of the Glass Family, the collection of washed-up former child geniuses essayed by J. D. Salinger in a series of stories starting with 1948's

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Twee TV: Portlandia

Portlandia: Everything is better with a bird on it. Four seasons in, "Portlandia" isn't as twee as it once was, and that might be for the better. Show creators and stars Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein have found a collection

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